Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer is Officially Here!

Fixing up this house and cleaning it has left me little time for much else.  That and our computer has issues, so most of the time I just don't want to fuss with it to get it to turn on.  It's a whole long process.

Well, I think we had MAYBE a week of spring here in central Ohio.  God decided, oh, heck with spring.  There's not much of a point.  Let's just go straight to summer!  And boy is it summer.  Hotter than most summer days around here.  Highs around 95-100?  If we get those, it's usually the first part of August.  It kind of makes me cringe when I think what August will actually be like...

My life has been consumed with popsicles, swollen hands and feet, drinking lots of water, and staying in the air-conditioning.  I would say flip-flops, too, but I wear those the moment it hits 50 degrees.  So that doesn't count as a "summer" thing for me.  :P

Still no baby yet!  It's still just the of us (Dixie is the 3rd).  Speaking of the 3rd, she has been acting so funny.  I'm starting to sense that pets really DO have instincts when change is coming.  Be it a storm or a baby, they just seem to know.  Her latest thing is she just walks around crying.  Or jumps up in our bed and just cries.  It breaks my heart SO much.  An hour ago I heard her in our bedroom crying.  I quietly crept back to see what she was doing (sometimes she'll cry if she has a toy that she can't get to or food that she wants), but she was just laying on the bed crying.  I snuggled up with her and gave her some love.  I left and she continued.  Uggg...she makes ME cry sometimes!  :(

So today I finished reading, "So Long Insecurity" by Beth Moore.  It was a good book and much needed at this stage in my life.  It brought some new, fresh perspective that makes me feel a little more secure and have little desire to please other people so much.  Talk about a weight lifted off my shoulders! 

Then...I watched...."The Bachelorette."  Yes, I got sucked in.  So in case you don't watch, let me do a briefing on a particular piece of scum on the show.  Ok, maybe that was harsh.  But maybe it wasn't...let's go with the fact that this dude really is horrible.  His name is Bentley.  The bachelorette (Ashley) received some info before this guy even showed up that he was just planning on staying a few weeks, promoting his business or something, and then leaving.  He talked to the camera about how he has no interest in Ashley, she's not that attractive (he called her the ugly duckling), and was disappointed it wasn't another girl from last season.  He decided to leave and go back home.  At least he didn't spend too much time leading her on, but he was obviously one of her favorites (NO clue why) and she was crushed and heartbroken when he left.  He even had the nerve to tell her he was going home to be with his daughter and that he didn't know how to share his heart with Ashley when it belongs to his daughter.  Then he turns around and tells the camera that he's not leaving because of his daughter and that that doesn't matter.

Ummm...excuse me?!?!?!  First of all, nice job using your daughter as a scapegoat.  Don't you think she'll watch the show at some point?  I don't know how old she is, but even if she's really young she'll see it, or hear about it, at some point.  And what a horrible thing to say to/about a woman.  Now, I KNOW a lot of this stuff is set up and dramatized for reality television.  But that part doesn't matter.  What matters to me is that other women are seeing this and Satan is using that junk to scare them to trust guys.  Our culture embraces making people insecure.  Be it through a tv show, a billboard, or just walking down the street.  It's hard to NOT feel insecure about SOMETHING.  I'm mad at this guy (whether it was fake or real) for getting American women all fired up.

And I'm going to have to stop there and have incomplete thoughts on my blog.  My pain and frustration (pregnancy-related) is too much right now for me to concentrate.  I apologize.  Time to go lay down...