Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another Outlet

Well, being on bedrest has me slightly irritable and bored.  And instead of just blogging about my pregnancy and baby, I wanted another place to talk about other things.  So here we are.

I'm currently sitting here on the couch, waiting for the storms to roll in.  I love storms.  I just think they're so cool.  I'm also having some cramping, which I think might be contractions.  I can't wait to feel normal again. 

I feel so overwhelmed.  The first few days of bedrest were...relaxing.  Now I'm just sick of it and trying to not drive myself crazy.  What I REALLY want to do is go work out.  Go for a run.  But I think if I tried to run right now I'd hurl over with major contractions, end up in the hospital, and then be even more frustrated.

I have a few books I'd like to finish reading/start reading.  But I'm also trying to finish preparations for baby.  There's tons of laundry to be done and things to be put away.  The furniture arrives sometime this week.  Once the nursery is put together I think I will be more inclined to do things I'd like to do.  My problem is I have this mental to-do list.  I literally feel like I canNOT relax and enjoy myself unless everything else is done that HAS to be done.  Ya know...needs instead of wants.  But what I keep pushing to the back of my mind is that little voice that says, "Sarah, there will ALWAYS be something you HAVE to do...don't worry about it."  And I keep telling myself, no, no, no...just let me get this stuff done and then I won't feel guilty about relaxing.  Ha!  No wonder I get frustrated.  Seriously.  I look around the house and think...ok...checklist...do the laundry.  Vacuum the floor.  Dust the tables.  Do the dishes.  Clean out the garage.  Redo the bathroom.  Sand the baseboards and repaint.  Wipe down the walls.  Put together the stroller travel system.  Get the doors back on my closet.  Clean out the car.  Get an oil change.  Pay bills.  Clean and organize the study.  It just goes on.  And on.  And on.  And on....  And yes, I can't do most of these things because of my bedrest.  The only thing I might be able to do is drive myself to get an oil change.  Fabulous.

And my stupid mind can't rest!  I'm sure this has something to do with why I can't sleep at night.  And my other problem is I get so overwhlemed just thinking about it that I don't know where to start and never actually do it.  *Sigh*

I think I have a false sense of what reality should be.  It's like I think other people have life together and that it's supposed to be like the movies.  Super clean house.  Enjoying your home.  Cooking dinner and having dishes done in seconds.  Relaxing at night because everything is done.  Perfect home.  Perfect family.  Perfect life.

Owwwww.....major stomach pain.....oooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!  Give me a second....

Ok.  I think I'm good.  :P

Anyways, I'm praying for a restful and peaceful state of mind.  One that can let go and let God lead.  The perfect life is not a reality on this earth, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy it for what it's worth.  I'm tired of working for this life instead of letting it just be.  Hopefully over these next 8 weeks I can have a major life/mind transformation.  I want my little boy to have a momma that enjoys her life and spends her time loving her child instead of worrying about a to-do list.  Lord, grant me this request.  Help me to let go...

1 comment:

  1. I get sucked into the "perfect" syndrome, too. I can't even have people over without panicking about how clean my house is, which I think I get from my mom. My husband thinks I'm crazy.

    Life is about more than how much we accomplish, which I try to remember (and mostly fail honestly). And no one has it all together, and anyone who appears to is lacking in some dept you can't see. :)
